HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 426th character |
RADICAL | ⼢ (35.6) |
INDEX # | 1553 |
TRADITIONAL | 覆 , 複 , 復 |
return; repeat; repeatedly
- return
- repeat
- repeatedly
- to go and return
- to return
- to resume
- to return to a normal or original state
- to repeat
- again
- to recover
- to restore
- to turn over
- to reply
- to answer
- to reply to a letter
- to retaliate
- to carry out
- to double
- to overlap
- complex (not simple)
- compound
- composite
- double
- diplo-
- duplicate
- overlapping
- to duplicate
- variant of 復|复[fu4]
- to cover
- to overflow
- to overturn
- to capsize

复习 fù xí | to review; revision; CL:次[ci4]; variant of 復習|复习[fu4 xi2] |
复杂 fù zá | complicated; complex |
复印 fù yìn | to photocopy; to duplicate a document |
恢复 huī fù | to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate |
重复 chóng fù | to repeat; to duplicate; CL:個|个[ge4]; variant of 重複|重复[chong2 fu4] |
复制 fù zhì | to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone |
反复 fǎn fù | variant of 反覆|反复[fan3 fu4]; repeatedly; over and over; to upend; unstable; to come and go; (of an illness) to return |
报复 bào fù | to make reprisals; to retaliate; revenge; retaliation |
复活 fù huó | to revive; (lit. and fig.) to come back to life; (religion) resurrection |
修复 xiū fù | to restore; to renovate; restoration; (computing) to fix (a bug) |
答复 dá fù | variant of 答覆|答复[da2 fu4]; to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email header) |
复兴 fù xīng | Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei; Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan; to revive; to rejuvenate |
复仇 fù chóu | to avenge; vengeance |
康复 kāng fù | to recuperate; to recover (health); to convalesce |
回复 huí fù | to reply; to recover; to return (to a previous condition); Re: in reply to (email) |
复原 fù yuán | to restore (sth) to (its) former condition; to recover from illness; recovery |
复活节 fù huó jié | Easter |
复合 fù hé | (of people who were estranged) to be reconciled; (of a couple) to get back together; complex; compound; composite; hybrid |
复苏 fù sū | to recover (health, economic); to resuscitate; anabiosis; variant of 復甦|复苏[fu4 su1] |
复职 fù zhí | to resume a post |
日复一日 rì fù yī rì | day after day |
复印件 fù yìn jiàn | photocopy; duplicate |
复生 fù shēng | to be reborn; to recover; to come back to life; to regenerate |
复发 fù fā | to recur (of a disease); to reappear; to relapse (into a former bad state) |
复制品 fù zhì pǐn | replica; reproduction |