
make, manufacture; produce


  • make, manufacture
  • produce
  • system
  • to control
  • to regulate
  • variant of 製|制[zhi4]
  • to manufacture
  • to make


石器 mó zhì shí qì a polished stone (neolithic) implement
mì zhì to prepare (food etc) using a secret recipe
種姓度 zhǒng xìng zhì dù caste system
zhú zhì made of bamboo
濫造 cū zhì làn zào to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work
jīng zhì refined
biān zhì to establish (a unit or department); staffing structure (excluding temporary and casual staff); to weave; to plait; to compile; to put together (a lesson plan, budget etc)
féng zhì to sew; to make (clothes, bedding)
huì zhì to draw; to draft
měi zhì American made
yān zhì marinated; to make by pickling, salting or curing
zì zhì to maintain self-control; self-control; self-made; improvised; homemade; handmade
炸彈 zì zhì zhà dàn improvised explosive device IED
品 xuè zhì pǐn blood products
cái zhì to tailor; to make clothes
件 zhì jiàn workpiece
作 zhì zuò to make; to manufacture
作商 zhì zuò shāng maker; manufacturer
作者 zhì zuò zhě producer; maker; creator
假 zhì jiǎ to counterfeit; to manufacture counterfeit goods
備 zhì bèi to prepare; preparation (chemistry)
冰機 zhì bīng jī ice maker
劑 zhì jì (chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation
品 zhì pǐn products; goods
售 zhì shòu to manufacture and sell