
make, manufacture; produce


  • make, manufacture
  • produce
  • system
  • to control
  • to regulate
  • variant of 製|制[zhi4]
  • to manufacture
  • to make


石器 dǎ zhì shí qì a chipped stone (paleolithic) implement
lā zhì drawing (manufacturing process in which hot metal or glass is stretched)
xié zhì forced submission; to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's bidding
tí zhì to refine; to extract
nǐ zhì to copy (a model)
shè zhì to produce (a TV show etc)
mù zhì wooden
jī zhì mechanism; machine processed; machine made
fǎ zhì legal system and institutions; made in France
晚報 fǎ zhì wǎn bào Lawcourt evening news, offshoot of 北京年青报 specialising in legal news, www.fawan.com
激勵機 jī lì jī zhì incentive mechanism; motivation method
páo zhì to concoct; to invent; to fabricate; to produce; to process; processing and curing (Chinese medicine)
hōng zhì to bake
liàn zhì (chemistry) to refine
氣 méi zhì qì coal gasification
油 méi zhì yóu coal liquefaction
shāo zhì to fire (in a kiln)
生物劑 shēng wù zhì jì biological product
生物品 shēng wù zhì pǐn biological product
chǎn zhì production; manufacture
品 pí zhì pǐn leather goods
jiān zhì to supervise the manufacture of; to supervise the shooting of films; executive producer (film)
yán zhì to manufacture; to develop
過程 yán zhì guò chéng manufacturing environment
劑 shēn zhì jì arsphenamine