mend, patch, fix, repair, restore


補 bǔ
  • to repair
  • to patch
  • to mend
  • to make up for
  • to fill (a vacancy)
  • to supplement


pāo bǔ cover (i.e. insurance against loss in financial deals)
套利 pāo bǔ tào lì covered arbitrage
拾遺缺 shí yí bǔ quē to remedy omissions and correct errors (idiom)
挖肉瘡 wā ròu bǔ chuāng to cut one's flesh to cover a sore (idiom); faced with a current crisis, to make it worse by a temporary expedient
chā bǔ interpolation (math.)
dā bǔ to subsidize; to make up (deficit)
於事無 yú shì wú bǔ unhelpful; useless
tì bǔ to replace (a damaged component with a new one, an injured player with a substitute player, full-time workers with casual workers etc); a substitute; a replacement
隊員 tì bǔ duì yuán substitute player; reserve player
tiān bu to fill (up); to replenish
涼 qīng bǔ liáng ching bo leung, an icy, sweet dessert soup
zī bǔ nourishing; nutritious
品 zī bǔ pǐn tonic; invigorant
wú bǔ of no avail; not helping in the least
rè bǔ hot patching (of insulating material in a furnace); hot patching (runtime correction in computing)
féng bǔ to darn (clothing); to sew and mend
zhī bǔ darning; to darn
nǎo bǔ (Internet slang) to imagine; to visualize
船到江心,漏遲 chuán dào jiāng xīn , bǔ lòu chí It's too late to plug the leak once ship is in the middle of the river. (idiom)
yào bǔ medicinal dietary supplement that helps build up one's health
不如食 yào bǔ bù rú shí bǔ the benefits of medicine are not as great as those of good nutrition
虛不受 xū bù shòu bǔ a person who is in poor health cannot handle sth so strong as a tonic
丁 bǔ ding patch (for mending clothes, tires etc); (software) patch
休 bǔ xiū to take deferred time off (to make up for working during the weekend or holidays); compensatory leave
偏救弊 bǔ piān jiù bì to remedy defects and correct errors (idiom); to rectify past mistakes