
shrimp, prawn



虾 xiā
  • shrimp
  • prawn
虾 há
  • see 蝦蟆|虾蟆[ha2 ma5]


虾 stroke order diagram
虾 stroke order animation


线 xiā xiàn digestive tract of a shrimp; sand vein
虎鱼 xiā hǔ yú goby (flat fish, Gobiidae)
虎鱼科 xiā hǔ yú kē Gobiidae (suborder of perch)
蛄 xiā gū mantis shrimp
蟆 há ma variant of 蛤蟆[ha2 ma5]
饺 xiā jiǎo prawn dumplings
áo xiā crayfish
软脚 ruǎn jiǎo xiā weakling; coward
qīng xiā oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense), a species of freshwater shrimp
yú xiā fish and shrimp; fish and shrimp as depicted in this context, likely in a painting or artwork