
blue; green


蒼 cāng
  • surname Cang
  • dark blue
  • deep green
  • ash-gray


狗 cāng gǒu (fig.) the unpredictable changeability of the world; bad omen
生 cāng shēng (area where) vegetation grows; the common people
生塗炭 cāng shēng tú tàn the common people in a miserable state
白 cāng bái pale; wan
白無力 cāng bái wú lì pale and feeble; powerless
白色 cāng bái sè pale; wan; sickly white
眉蝗鶯 cāng méi huáng yīng (bird species of China) Gray's grasshopper warbler (Locustella fasciolata)
穹 cāng qióng the blue dome of heaven
翠 cāng cuì verdant
老 cāng lǎo old; aged; (of calligraphy or painting) vigorous; forceful
耳 cāng ěr Siberian cocklebur (botany)
背山雀 cāng bèi shān què (bird species of China) cinereous tit (Parus cinereus)
茫 cāng máng boundless; vast; hazy (distant horizon)
莽 cāng mǎng boundless
cāng cāng ash gray; vast and hazy; flourishing
蠅 cāng ying housefly; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
蠅不叮無縫蛋 cāng ying bù dīng wú fèng dàn lit. flies do not attack an intact egg (idiom); fig. no smoke without a fire
蠅座 cāng ying zuò Musca (constellation)
蠅拍 cāng ying pāi flyswatter
蠅老虎 cāng ying lǎo hǔ (coll.) jumping spider
術 cāng zhú black atractylodes rhizome (dried rhizome of any of several atractylodes species) (TCM)
頭燕雀 cāng tóu yàn què (bird species of China) common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
鬱 cāng yù verdant and luxuriant
鷹 cāng yīng (bird species of China) northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
鷺 cāng lù (bird species of China) grey heron (Ardea cinerea)