
thorns; brambles; my wife; cane


  • thorns
  • brambles
  • my wife
  • cane
  • chaste tree or berry (Vitex agnus-castus)
  • alternative name for the Zhou Dynasty state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chu3 guo2]


wèn jīng field horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
大意失州 dà yi shī jīng zhōu to lose Jingzhou due to carelessness (idiom); to suffer a major setback due to negligence
大紫勳章 dà zǐ jīng xūn zhāng Great Bauhinia Medal (GBM), Hong Kong's highest honor
hán jīng (polite) my wife (old)
斬棘 pī jīng zhǎn jí lit. to cut one's way through thistles and thorns (idiom); fig. to overcome all obstacles on the way; to break through hardships; to blaze a new trail
zhuō jīng my wife (humble)
洋紫 yáng zǐ jīng Hong Kong orchid (Bauhinia blakeana)
相對 bān jīng xiāng duì to treat sb with courtesy (idiom)
zǐ jīng Chinese redbud (Cercis chinensis)
山 jīng shān Thorny mountain (several); Mt Jingshan in Hubei
州 jīng zhōu Jingzhou prefecture-level city on Changjiang in Hubei
州區 jīng zhōu qū Jingzhou district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|荆州市[Jing1 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
州市 jīng zhōu shì Jingzhou prefecture-level city on Changjiang in Hubei
棘 jīng jí thistles and thorns; brambles; thorny undergrowth
棘載途 jīng jí zài tú lit. a path covered in brambles; a course of action beset by difficulties (idiom)
楚網 jīng chǔ wǎng IPTV (PRC media network)
楚網視 jīng chǔ wǎng shì IPTV (PRC media network)
榛滿目 jīng zhēn mǎn mù thorns and brambles as far as eye can see (idiom); beset by troubles
江 jīng jiāng Jingjiang section of the Changjiang River 長江|长江, Hunan
芥 jīng jiè schizonepeta, herb used in Chinese medicine
軻 jīng kē Jing Ke (-227 BC), celebrated in verse and fiction as would-be assassin of King Ying Zheng of Qin 秦嬴政 (later the First Emperor 秦始皇)
門 jīng mén Jingmen prefecture-level city in Hubei
門市 jīng mén shì Jingmen prefecture-level city in Hubei
shí jīng It is a great honor to meet you.
恨晚 shí jīng hèn wǎn It is a great honor to meet you and I regret it is not sooner
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