
fragrant; virtuous; beautiful



  • fragrant
  • virtuous
  • beautiful
  • fragrant


芳 stroke order diagram
芳 stroke order animation


鎮 ruì fāng zhèn Ruifang or Juifang town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
千古 liú fāng qiān gǔ a good reputation to last down the generations
百世 liú fāng bǎi shì a good reputation to last a hundred generations
石田夫 shí tián fāng fū Ishida Yoshio (1948-), Japanese Go player
容 fāng róng beautiful face (of a young lady)
札 fāng zhá good letter
烴 fāng tīng aromatic hydrocarbon
苑 fāng yuàn Fangyuan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan
苑乡 fāng yuàn xiāng Fangyuan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan
苑鄉 fāng yuàn xiāng Fangyuan township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan
华 fāng huá young years; youth
華 fāng huá young years; youth
香烃 fāng xiāng tīng aromatic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving benzene ring)
香烴 fāng xiāng tīng aromatic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving benzene ring)
香环 fāng xiāng huán benzene ring (chemistry); aromatic ring
香環 fāng xiāng huán benzene ring (chemistry); aromatic ring
香疗法 fāng xiāng liǎo fǎ aromatherapy
香療法 fāng xiāng liǎo fǎ aromatherapy
香醋 fāng xiāng cù balsamic vinegar
齡 fāng líng age (of a young woman)
tián fāng a person's name; in this context, it refers to the speaker named Tian Fang
温丽 wēn lì fāng Wen Lifen (a name of a person)
万世流 wàn shì liú fāng eternally renowned; leaving a lasting reputation for generations
xiǎo fāng Xiaofang (a female given name)