
fragrant; virtuous; beautiful



  • fragrant
  • virtuous
  • beautiful
  • fragrant


芳 stroke order diagram
芳 stroke order animation


香 fāng xiāng balmy; fragrant; aromatic (chemistry)
fēn fāng perfume; fragrant
心 fāng xīn the affection, or heart, of a young woman
百世 liú fāng bǎi shì (of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom); to leave a mark for generations to come
yǎ fāng Avon (cosmetics company)
qún fāng all flowers; all beauties; all talents
龄 fāng líng age (of a young woman)
liú fāng to leave a good reputation
烃 fāng tīng aromatic hydrocarbon
一亲泽 yī qīn fāng zé to get close to; to get on intimate terms with
一親澤 yī qīn fāng zé to get close to; to get on intimate terms with
伍廷 wǔ tíng fāng Wu Tingfang (1842-1922), diplomat and lawyer
哥罗 gē luó fāng chloroform CHCl3 (loanword); trichloromethane
哥羅 gē luó fāng chloroform CHCl3 (loanword); trichloromethane
天涯何处无草 tiān yá hé chù wú fāng cǎo there are plenty more fish in the sea (idiom)
天涯何處無草 tiān yá hé chù wú fāng cǎo there are plenty more fish in the sea (idiom)
自赏 gū fāng zì shǎng lone flower admiring itself (idiom); narcissism; self-love
自賞 gū fāng zì shǎng lone flower admiring itself (idiom); narcissism; self-love
孙传 sūn chuán fāng Sun Chuanfang (1885-1935) one of the northern warlord, murdered in Tianjin in 1935
孫傳 sūn chuán fāng Sun Chuanfang (1885-1935) one of the northern warlord, murdered in Tianjin in 1935
梅兰 méi lán fāng Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), famous master of Beijing opera, specialist in female roles
梅蘭 méi lán fāng Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), famous master of Beijing opera, specialist in female roles
fēn fāng perfume; fragrant
ruì fāng Ruifang or Juifang town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
镇 ruì fāng zhèn Ruifang or Juifang town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
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