
sesame; a purplish or brown mushroom thought to have miraculous powers; 'a divine and felicitous plant' (Karlgren)



  • sesame
  • a purplish or brown mushroom thought to have miraculous powers
  • 'a divine and felicitous plant' (Karlgren)
  • Zoysia pungens


芝 stroke order diagram
芝 stroke order animation


加哥 zhī jiā gē Chicago, USA
士 zhī shì cheese (loanword)
麻 zhī ma sesame (seed)
麻油 zhī ma yóu sesame oil
麻酱 zhī ma jiàng sesame paste
dōng zhī Toshiba, Japanese electronics company
张柏 zhāng bó zhī Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong actress and pop singer
sān zhī Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
乡 sān zhī xiāng Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
鄉 sān zhī xiāng Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan
張柏 zhāng bó zhī Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong actress and pop singer
捡了麻丢了西瓜 jiǎn le zhī ma diū le xī guā to let go of the big prize while grabbing at trifles (idiom)
撿了麻丟了西瓜 jiǎn le zhī ma diū le xī guā to let go of the big prize while grabbing at trifles (idiom)
dōng zhī Toshiba, Japanese electronics company
lín zhī Nyingchi prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Nying khri, Chinese Linzhi
地区 lín zhī dì qū Nyingchi prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Nying khri sa khul, Chinese Linzhi
地區 lín zhī dì qū Nyingchi prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Nying khri sa khul, Chinese Linzhi
县 lín zhī xiàn Nyingchi county, Tibetan: Nying khri rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet
縣 lín zhī xiàn Nyingchi county, Tibetan: Nying khri rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet
王仙 wáng xiān zhī Wang Xianzhi, peasant leader during Huang Chao peasant uprising 黃巢起義|黄巢起义 875-884 in late Tang
眉宇 zǐ zhī méi yǔ your appearance (honorific)
加哥大学 zhī jiā gē dà xué University of Chicago
加哥大學 zhī jiā gē dà xué University of Chicago
士蛋糕 zhī shì dàn gāo cheesecake
宇 zhī yǔ your appearance (honorific); cf 紫芝眉宇
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