
tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135

HSK 6 #1958


舌 shé
  • tongue


舌 stroke order diagram
舌 stroke order animation


头 tǔ shé tou to stick out one's tongue
頭 tǔ shé tou to stick out one's tongue
自尽 yǎo shé zì jìn to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue
自盡 yǎo shé zì jìn to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue
唇槍劍 chún qiāng shé jiàn fight a battle of words; cross verbal swords
唇枪战 chún qiāng shé zhàn war of words
唇槍戰 chún qiāng shé zhàn war of words
lǎ shé (Tw) French kissing; to waggle one's tongue around
根 jiáo shé gēn to gossip; to argue unnecessarily
头 jiáo shé tóu to gossip; to argue unnecessarily
頭 jiáo shé tóu to gossip; to argue unnecessarily
爾 sài shé ěr the Seychelles
尔群岛 sài shé ěr qún dǎo the Seychelles
爾群島 sài shé ěr qún dǎo the Seychelles
板 yā shé bǎn tongue depressor; spatula
板 yā shé bǎn tongue depressor; spatula
多嘴多 duō zuǐ duō shé to gossip and meddle; to shoot one's mouth off; talkative
頭 dà shé tou (coll.) lisp; one who lisps
如簧之 rú huáng zhī shé lit. a tongue like a reed (idiom); fig. a glib tongue
音 píng shé yīn alveolar; consonants z, c, s produced with the tip of the tongue on the alveolar ridge
弄嘴弄 nòng zuǐ nòng shé to cause a dispute through boastful gossip (idiom)
张口结 zhāng kǒu jié shé agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for words; gaping and speechless
張口結 zhāng kǒu jié shé agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for words; gaping and speechless
tán shé to cluck; to trill
tán shé to cluck; to trill