
gall bladder; bravery, courage


  • gall bladder
  • bravery, courage
  • gall bladder
  • courage
  • guts
  • gall
  • inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)


氣 dǎn qì courageous; bold
汁 dǎn zhī gall; bile
略 dǎn lüè courage and resource
石 dǎn shí gallstone
石症 dǎn shí zhèng gallstone
石絞痛 dǎn shí jiǎo tòng gallstone colic
破 dǎn pò to be frightened to death
管 dǎn guǎn bile duct
紅素 dǎn hóng sù bilirubin
結石 dǎn jié shí gallstone
綠素 dǎn lǜ sù biliverdin
色素 dǎn sè sù bilirubin
識 dǎn shí courage and insight
道 dǎn dào bile duct; biliary tract
量 dǎn liàng courage; boldness; guts
顫心驚 dǎn chàn xīn jīng panic-stricken
驚心顫 dǎn jīng xīn chàn see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4]
魄 dǎn pò courage; bravery
鹼 dǎn jiǎn choline (amine related to vitamin B complex)
鹼酯酶 dǎn jiǎn zhǐ méi choline esterase (ChE), hydrolyzing enzyme in blood plasma
臥薪嘗 wò xīn cháng dǎn lit. to sleep on brushwood and taste gall (like King Gou Jian of Yue 勾踐|勾践[Gou1 Jian4]), in order to recall one's humiliations) (idiom); fig. to maintain one's resolve for revenge; lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge
臥薪嚐 wò xīn cháng dǎn lit. to sleep on brushwood and taste gall (like King Gou Jian of Yue 勾踐|勾践[Gou1 Jian4]), in order to recall one's humiliations) (idiom); fig. to maintain one's resolve for revenge; lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge
sè dǎn boldness in pursuing one's sexual urges
包天 sè dǎn bāo tiān outrageously bold in one's lust; debauched (idiom)
kǔ dǎn gall bladder