
gall bladder; bravery, courage


  • gall bladder
  • bravery, courage
  • gall bladder
  • courage
  • guts
  • gall
  • inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)


草 xióng dǎn cǎo Conyza blinii
包天 gǒu dǎn bāo tiān extremely daring (idiom); foolhardy
dú dǎn individually courageous
英雄 dú dǎn yīng xióng bold and courageous hero (idiom)
pò dǎn to be scared stiff
寒心 pò dǎn hán xīn to be scared out of one's wits
碎心裂 suì xīn liè dǎn in mortal fear (idiom)
聞風喪 wén fēng sàng dǎn hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); terror-stricken at the news
相照 gān dǎn xiāng zhào to treat one another with absolute sincerity (idiom); to show total devotion
兒 dǎn r see 膽子|胆子[dan3 zi5]
力 dǎn lì courage; bravery
囊 dǎn náng gall bladder
固醇 dǎn gù chún cholesterol
大 dǎn dà daring; bold; audacious
大包天 dǎn dà bāo tiān reckless; extremely daring
大妄為 dǎn dà wàng wéi daring; presumptuous; daredevil
子 dǎn zi courage; nerve; guts
寒 dǎn hán to fear; to be terrified
小 dǎn xiǎo cowardice; timid
小如鼠 dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ chicken-hearted (idiom); gutless
小鬼 dǎn xiǎo guǐ coward
怯 dǎn qiè timidity; timid; cowardly
戰 dǎn zhàn to tremble with fear
戰心驚 dǎn zhàn xīn jīng to tremble with fear (idiom); scared witless
敢 dǎn gǎn to dare (negative connotation); to have the audacity to (do sth)