
glue, gum, resin, rubber


膠 jiāo
  • to glue
  • glue
  • gum
  • rubber


502 wǔ líng èr jiāo cyanoacrylate glue
三秒 sān miǎo jiāo superglue
rǔ jiāo latex
漆 rǔ jiāo qī latex paint; emulsion paint
光刻 guāng kè jiāo photoresist (laser etching used in microelectronics)
dòng jiāo gel
níng jiāo gel
體 níng jiāo tǐ gel
河 nán jiāo hé Nanjiao River (Shandong province, flows into Qingdao harbor)
卡拉 kǎ lā jiāo carageenan (chemistry)
合成橡 hé chéng xiàng jiāo synthetic rubber
sù jiāo plastic; synthetic resin; plastic cement
炸藥 sù jiāo zhà yào plastic explosive
爆炸物 sù jiāo bào zhà wù plastic explosive
跑道 sù jiāo pǎo dào synthetic athletics track; tartan track
車 sù jiāo chē scooter (Tw)
天然橡 tiān rán xiàng jiāo natural rubber
似漆 rú jiāo sì qī stuck together as by glue (of lovers); joined at the hip
密封 mì fēng jiāo sealant; sealing glue
帶 kuān jiāo dài duct tape
少突質 shǎo tū jiāo zhì oligodendrocytes (Greek: cells with few branches), a type of cell in central nervous system; oligodendroglia
強力 qiáng lì jiāo superglue
微縮捲 wēi suō jiāo juǎn microfilm
囊技術 wēi jiāo náng jì shù microencapsulation
槍 dǎ jiāo qiāng sealant gun; glue gun
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