
duty, profession; office, post


職 zhí
  • office
  • duty


分 zhí fèn duty
務 zhí wù post; position; job; duties
員 zhí yuán office worker; staff member; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
場 zhí chǎng workplace; workforce (of a nation or industry etc); job market
守 zhí shǒu duty; responsibility; post
工 zhí gōng workers; staff; CL:個|个[ge4]
志 zhí zhì aspiration
掌 zhí zhǎng to be in charge of; assignment
業 zhí yè occupation; profession; vocation; professional
業中學 zhí yè zhōng xué vocational high school
業倦怠症 zhí yè juàn dài zhèng professional boredom syndrome
業化 zhí yè huà professionalization
業教育 zhí yè jiào yù vocational training
業病 zhí yè bìng occupational disease
業素質 zhí yè sù zhì professionalism
業運動員 zhí yè yùn dòng yuán professional (athlete); pro
業高中 zhí yè gāo zhōng vocational high school (abbr. to 職高|职高[zhi2 gao1])
業高爾夫球協會 zhí yè gāo ěr fū qiú xié huì Professional Golfer's Association (PGA)
權 zhí quán authority; power over others
涯 zhí yá career
稱 zhí chēng one's professional position; title; job title
級 zhí jí (job) position; level; grade; rank
缺 zhí quē (job) opening
能 zhí néng function; role
責 zhí zé duty; responsibility; obligation