
duty, profession; office, post


職 zhí
  • office
  • duty


zhèng zhí main job; day job; steady full-time job (as opposed to temporary or casual); chief or principal post (as opposed to deputy)
wǔ zhí military official; military position (i.e. job)
xùn zhí to die in the line of duty
qiú zhí to seek employment
信 qiú zhí xìn cover letter; job application
者 qiú zhí zhě job applicant
nì zhí to neglect one's duty; dereliction of duty
濫用權 làn yòng zhí quán abuse of power
dú zhí wrongdoing; failure to do one's duty
牧師之 mù shī zhī zhí ministry
玩忽守 wán hū zhí shǒu to neglect one's duty; dereliction of duty; malpractice
liú zhí to keep an official position; to hold on to one's job
停薪 liú zhí tíng xīn leave of absence without pay (Tw)
疏忽守 shū hū zhí shǒu to neglect one's duties
jìn zhí to discharge one's duties; conscientious
盡責 jìn zhí jìn zé responsible and diligent (idiom)
調查 jìn zhí diào chá due diligence (law)
shén zhí clergy; clerical
人員 shén zhí rén yuán clergy; cleric
chèn zhí well qualified; competent; to be equal to the task; able to do sth very well
第二業 dì èr zhí yè second job
管家務 guǎn jiā zhí wù stewardship
籃 měi zhí lán National Basketball Association (NBA)
shèng zhí priesthood
位 zhí wèi post; office; position