
holy, sacred; sage


  • holy, sacred
  • sage
  • holy
  • sacred
  • saint
  • sage


公 yǎn shèng gōng hereditary title bestowed on Confucius' descendants
公府 yǎn shèng gōng fǔ the official residence of Confucius' descendants at Qufu 曲阜, Shandong
shī shèng "sage of poetry", epithet of Du Fu 杜甫[Du4 Fu3]
轉輪帝 zhuǎn lún shèng dì Chakravarti raja; emperor in Hindu mythology
轉輪王 zhuàn lún shèng wáng Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings); emperor in Hindu mythology
zuì shèng the Sage of intoxication; refers to Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai 李白 (701-762)
開漳王 kāi zhāng shèng wáng Sacred King, founder of Zhangzhou, posthumous title of Tang dynasty general Chen Yuanguang (657-711) 陳元光|陈元光[Chen2 Yuan2 guang1]
齊天大 qí tiān dà shèng Great Sage the Equal of Heaven, self-proclaimed title of the Monkey King Sun Wukong 孫悟空|孙悟空[Sun1 Wu4 kong1] in the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]
何塞 shèng hé sāi San Jose (a city in California)