
holy, sacred; sage


  • holy, sacred
  • sage
  • holy
  • sacred
  • saint
  • sage


渦 shèng wō dimples of Venus; back dimples
潔 shèng jié pure and holy
潘克勒斯站 shèng pān kè lēi sī zhàn Saint Pancras (London railway station)
火 shèng huǒ sacred fire; Olympic flame
灰瞻禮日 shèng huī zhān lǐ rì Ash Wednesday
灰節 shèng huī jié Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent)
燭節 shèng zhú jié Candlemas (Christian Festival on 2nd February)
父 shèng fù Holy Father; God the Father (in the Christian Trinity)
王 shèng wáng sage ruler
皮埃爾和密克隆 shèng pí āi ěr hé mì kè lóng Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
盤 shèng pán Holy Grail
盧西亞 shèng lú xī yà Saint Lucia
盧西亞島 shèng lú xī yà dǎo Saint Lucia
祖 shèng zǔ Shengzu, temple name of the second Qing emperor, known as the Kangxi Emperor (1654-1722); cf. 康熙[Kang1 xi1]; divine ancester; patron saint
神 shèng shén feudal term of praise for ruler, king or emperor; general term for saint in former times; term for God during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國|太平天国; Holy Spirit (in Christian Trinity)
神降臨 shèng shén jiàng lín Whit Sunday (Christian Festival celebrating the Holy Spirit)
神降臨週 shèng shén jiàng lín zhōu Whitsuntide
禮 shèng lǐ Holy sacrament; Christian rite (esp. Protestant); also called 聖事|圣事 by Catholics
約 shèng yuē covenant
約瑟夫 shèng yuē sè fū Saint Joseph
約翰 shèng yuē hàn Saint John
約翰斯 shèng yuē hàn sī St John's, capital of Labrador and Newfoundland province, Canada
納帕 shèng nà pà Agia Napa, Cyprus; Ayia Napa, Cyprus
索非亞 shèng suǒ fēi yà Hagia Sophia (Greek: Holy wisdom)
索非亞大教堂 shèng suǒ fēi yà dà jiào táng Hagia Sophia (the main cathedral of Constantinople, subsequently the major mosque of Istanbul)