HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1932nd character |
RADICAL | ⽿ (128.5) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2196 |
somewhat, slightly, at least
聊 liáo |

聊天 liáo tiān | to chat; to gossip |
无聊 wú liáo | bored; boring; senseless |
闲聊 xián liáo | to chat; casual conversation |
百无聊赖 bǎi wú liáo lài | bored to death (idiom); bored stiff; overcome with boredom |
民不聊生 mín bù liáo shēng | The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Historian 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4]); no way of getting by |
聊以自慰 liáo yǐ zì wèi | to find some consolation (idiom); to find relief in |
尬聊 gà liáo | (Internet slang) awkward conversation; to have a cringeworthy conversation |
無聊 wú liáo | bored; boring; senseless |
百無聊賴 bǎi wú liáo lài | bored to death (idiom); bored stiff; overcome with boredom |
聊且 liáo qiě | for the time being; tentatively |
聊以塞责 liáo yǐ sè zé | just to get away with one's responsibilities; in order to get off the hook |
聊以塞責 liáo yǐ sè zé | just to get away with one's responsibilities; in order to get off the hook |
聊以解闷 liáo yǐ jiě mèn | relaxation |
聊以解悶 liáo yǐ jiě mèn | relaxation |
聊备 liáo bèi | to provide as expedient; to use temporarily as; to make shift |
聊備 liáo bèi | to provide as expedient; to use temporarily as; to make shift |
聊备一格 liáo bèi yī gé | to use as a stopgap; to give perfunctory recognition; token; nominal |
聊備一格 liáo bèi yī gé | to use as a stopgap; to give perfunctory recognition; token; nominal |
聊胜于无 liáo shèng yú wú | better than nothing (idiom) |
聊勝於無 liáo shèng yú wú | better than nothing (idiom) |
聊城 liáo chéng | Liaocheng prefecture-level city in Shandong |
聊城地区 liáo chéng dì qū | Liaocheng prefecture in Shandong |
聊城地區 liáo chéng dì qū | Liaocheng prefecture in Shandong |
聊城市 liáo chéng shì | Liaocheng prefecture-level city in Shandong |
聊天儿 liáo tiān r | erhua variant of 聊天[liao2 tian1] |