luō luó luo

net for catching birds; gauze



罗 luó
  • surname Luo
  • gauze
  • to collect
  • to gather
  • to catch
  • to sift


罗 stroke order diagram
罗 stroke order animation


地亚 kè luó dì yà Croatia
拉多州 kē luó lā duō zhōu Colorado
莎 luó shā Rosa (name)
兰 luó lán Roland (name)
巴塞那 bā sài luó nà Barcelona
zuǒ luó Zorro
布 luó bù to display; to spread out; to distribute; old spelling of 盧布|卢布[lu2 bu4], ruble
盘 luó pán compass
宾汉 luó bīn hàn Robin Hood (English 12th century folk hero)
bō luó Polo (car made by Volkswagen); surname Polo
圣保 shèng bǎo luó St Paul; São Paulo, city in Brazil
伦斯 fó luó lún sī Florence, city in Italy (Tw)
布法 bù fǎ luó Buffalo, New York state
网 luó wǎng net; fishing net; bird net
马帝国 luó mǎ dì guó Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
河 ní luó hé Nile (river)
兰 zǐ luó lán violet (botany)
阿修 ā xiū luó Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
得岛 luó dé dǎo Rhode Island, US state; Rhodes, an island of Greece
伦萨 fó luó lún sà Florence, city in Italy
格 luó gé Logue or Rogge (name); Jacques Rogge, president of International Olympic Committee (IOC)
bó luó Boluo county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong
汉 dié luó hàn human pyramid
米开朗基 mǐ kāi lǎng jī luó Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Renaissance painter and sculptor
毕 nèi luó bì Nairobi, capital of Kenya