luō luó luo

net for catching birds; gauze


羅 luó
  • surname Luo
  • gauze
  • to collect
  • to gather
  • to catch
  • to sift


C c luó nickname of Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo
三色紫蘭 sān sè zǐ luó lán pansy
乞力馬扎山 qǐ lì mǎ zhā luó shān Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
亞穆蘇克 yà mù sū kè luó Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast)
士打 yà luó shì dǎ Alor Star city, capital of Kedah state in northwest Malaysia
號 yà luó hào the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered ship involved in historical incident in 1856 used as pretext for the second Opium War)
號事件 yà luó hào shì jiàn the Arrow Incident of 1856 (used as pretext for the second Opium War)
希洛夫 fú luó xī luò fū Kliment Voroshilov (1881-1969), Soviet politician and military commander
奔尼撒 bó luó bēn ní sā Peloponnese (peninsula in southern Greece)
瓦 jiā luó wà Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist
瓦理論 jiā luó wǎ lǐ lùn Galois theory (math.)
華 jiā luó huà Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist; also written 伽羅瓦|伽罗瓦
華理論 jiā luó huà lǐ lùn Galois theory (math.); also written 伽羅瓦理論|伽罗瓦理论
zuǒ luó Zorro
倫斯 fó luó lún sī Florence, city in Italy (Tw)
倫薩 fó luó lún sà Florence, city in Italy
里達 fú luó lǐ dá Florida
里達州 fó luó lǐ dá zhōu Florida
zhū luó Jura mountains of eastern France and extending into Switzerland
紀 zhū luó jì Jurassic (geological period 205-140m years ago)
斯 é luó sī Russia
斯人 é luó sī rén Russian (person)
斯帝國 é luó sī dì guó Russian empire (1546-1917)
斯方塊 é luó sī fāng kuài Tetris (video game)
斯族 é luó sī zú Russian ethnic group (of northeast China and Xinjiang etc); Russian nationality; Russians (of Russia)
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