
cotton wad; wool; soft, downy



  • cotton wad
  • wool
  • soft, downy
  • silk floss
  • continuous
  • soft
  • weak
  • mild-mannered (dialect)
  • old variant of 綿|绵[mian2]
  • cotton


绵 stroke order diagram
绵 stroke order animation


竹 mián zhú Mianzhu county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan
竹市 mián zhú shì Mianzhu county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan
竹县 mián zhú xiàn Mianzhu county in Deying 德阳 prefecture, Sichuan
绸 mián chóu rough-textured fabric of waste silk
联 mián lián variant of 綿連|绵连[mian2 lian2]
连 mián lián continuous; uninterrupted
远 mián yuǎn remote
邈 mián miǎo far back in time; faraway; remote
阳 mián yáng Mianyang prefecture level city in Sichuan
阳地区 mián yáng dì qū Mianyang prefecture in north Sichuan around Mianyang, Sichuan's second city
阳市 mián yáng shì Mianyang prefecture level city in north Sichuan, Sichuan's second city
不已 chán mián bù yǐ to cling without letting go; to pester without end; to cling lovingly to each other
悱恻 chán mián fěi cè (of a person) sad beyond words (idiom); (of music, literature etc) poignant; very sentimental
lián mián variant of 連綿|连绵[lian2 mian2]
词 lián mián cí two-syllable word featuring alliteration or rhyme, such as 玲瓏|玲珑[ling2 long2]
词 lián mián cí variant of 聯綿詞|联绵词[lian2 mian2 ci2]