綿 mián

cotton wad; wool; soft, downy


  • cotton wad
  • wool
  • soft, downy
  • silk floss
  • continuous
  • soft
  • weak
  • mild-mannered (dialect)
  • old variant of 綿|绵[mian2]
  • cotton


綿 yán mián to extend continuously
綿 hǎi mián sponge (zoology); sponge (piece of absorbent material, either natural or made from plastic etc); foam rubber
綿寶寶 hǎi mián bǎo bǎo SpongeBob SquarePants (US TV animated series, 1999-)
綿狀 hǎi mián zhuàng spongy
綿體 hǎi mián tǐ erectile tissue (genital); corpus cavernosum
牛海綿狀腦病 niú hǎi mián zhuàng nǎo bìng bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE; mad cow disease
綿 shí mián asbestos
福壽綿長 fú shòu mián cháng good luck and long life
綿 sī mián silk floss; down
綿亙 mián gèn to stretch in an unbroken chain (esp. of mountains)
綿力 mián lì one's limited power (humble expr.)
綿子 mián zi (dial.) silk floss
綿密 mián mì detailed; meticulous; fine and careful
綿延 mián yán continuous (esp. of mountain ranges); to stretch long and unbroken; a continuous link; sostenuto (sustained, in music)
綿惙 mián chuò critically ill
綿白糖 mián bái táng sugar powder
綿竹 mián zhú Mianzhu county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan
綿竹市 mián zhú shì Mianzhu county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan
綿竹縣 mián zhú xiàn Mianzhu county in Deying 德阳 prefecture, Sichuan
綿綢 mián chóu rough-textured fabric of waste silk
綿綿 mián mián continuous; uninterrupted
綿綿不絕 mián mián bù jué continuous; endless
綿羊 mián yáng sheep
綿聯 mián lián variant of 綿連|绵连[mian2 lian2]
綿薄 mián bó my humble effort; my meager contribution (humble)
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