
knit, weave; arrange; compile


編 biān
  • to weave
  • to plait
  • to organize
  • to group
  • to arrange
  • to edit
  • to compile
  • to write
  • to compose
  • to fabricate


zhǔ biān editor in chief
二進制碼 èr jìn zhì biān mǎ binary code; binary encoding
五筆碼 wǔ bǐ biān mǎ five-stroke code, Chinese character input method
xiū biān to revise
quán biān complete edition
huì biān to compile; collection; compilation; variant of 匯編|汇编[hui4 bian1]
語言 huì biān yǔ yán assembly language
可擦寫可程只讀存儲器 kě cā xiě kě biān chéng zhī dú cún chǔ qì EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory)
程 kě biān chéng programmable
hé biān to compile in collaboration with; to merge and reorganize (army units etc)
zài biān to be on the regular payroll; to be on the permanent staff
dìng biān fixed allocation
xiǎo biān editor or creator of online content (diminutive term, often used to refer to oneself: I, me, this writer)
常態班 cháng tài biān bān see 常態分班|常态分班[chang2 tai4 fen1 ban1]
huì biān to compile; collection; compilation; variant of 匯編|汇编[hui4 bian1]
kuò biān to expand (esp. by new recruitment); to increase the army; to augment
shōu biān to incorporate into one's troops; to weave in
gǎi biān to adapt; to rearrange; to revise
文本輯器 wén běn biān jí qì text editor
xīn biān to compile anew; new (version); newly set up (part of an organization)
曼徹斯特碼 màn chè sī tè biān mǎ Manchester encoding
制 yǒu biān zhì having a permanent post; part of the official staff
zōng biān woven palm fiber (used in handicraft); coir; woven coconut fiber
hùn biān mixed
xiā biān to fabricate (a story)
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