
hem, margin; reason, cause; karma, fate


緣 yuán
  • cause
  • reason
  • karma
  • fate
  • predestined affinity
  • margin
  • hem
  • edge
  • along


無分 yǒu yuán wú fèn destined to meet but not fated to be together (idiom)
jī yuán chance; opportunity; destiny
wú yuán to have no opportunity; no way (of doing sth); no chance; no connection; not placed (in a competition); (in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc
無故 wú yuán wú gù no cause, no reason (idiom); completely uncalled for
jié yuán to form ties; to become attached (to sb, sth)
jué yuán to have no contact with; to be cut off from; (electricity) to insulate
體 jué yuán tǐ electrical insulation; heat insulation
何 yuán hé why?; for what reason?
分 yuán fèn fate or chance that brings people together; predestined affinity or relationship; (Budd.) destiny
故 yuán gù reason; cause
於 yuán yú to originate from; to come from the fact that; owing to; because of
木求魚 yuán mù qiú yú lit. climb a tree to catch a fish (idiom); fig. to attempt the impossible
由 yuán yóu reason; cause
起 yuán qǐ origin
飾 yuán shì fringe
liáng yuán good karma; opportune connection with marriage partner
xuè yuán bloodline
關係 xuè yuán guān xì blood relationship; consanguinity
qīn yuán blood relationship; genetic relationship; consanguinity
關係 qīn yuán guān xì phylogenetic relationship
lù yuán curb
lún yuán rim; edge of wheel
yuǎn yuán distantly related; remote affinity
biān yuán edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline
人 biān yuán rén marginalized people (not part of mainstream society); marginal man (term coined by social psychologist Kurt Lewin, referring to a person in transition between two cultures or social groups, not fully belonging to either)