
hem, margin; reason, cause; karma, fate


緣 yuán
  • cause
  • reason
  • karma
  • fate
  • predestined affinity
  • margin
  • hem
  • edge
  • along


rén yuán relations with other people
兒 rén yuán r erhua variant of 人緣|人缘[ren2 yuan2]
tū yuán flange
前世姻 qián shì yīn yuán a marriage predestined in a former life (idiom)
未了 qián yuán wèi liǎo one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled (idiom)
mù yuán (of a monk) to beg for food
huà yuán (of a monk) to beg
shàn yuán good karma
yīn yuán chance; opportunity; predestined relationship; (Buddhist) principal and secondary causes; chain of cause and effect
dì yuán geographic situation; geo-(politics etc)
戰略 dì yuán zhàn lüè geostrategic
政治 dì yuán zhèng zhì geopolitics; geopolitical
政治學 dì yuán zhèng zhì xué geopolitics
yín yuán to curry favor; to advance one's career by toadying
攀附 yín yuán pān fù to cling to the rich and powerful (idiom); to advance one's career by currying favor; social climbing
yīn yuán a marriage predestined by fate
niè yuán ill-fated relationship
守株待兔,木求魚 shǒu zhū dài tù , yuán mù qiú yú to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits, and climb a tree to catch fish (idiom); without any practical course of action
守株木 shǒu zhū yuán mù abbr. for 守株待兔,緣木求魚|守株待兔,缘木求鱼[shou3 zhu1 dai4 tu4 , yuan2 mu4 qiu2 yu2]
宿 sù yuán (Buddhism) predestined relationship
廣結良 guǎng jié liáng yuán to earn people's praise through one's good deeds (idiom)
hòu yuán trailing edge (of airplane wing)
qíng yuán predestined love; love affinity
tóu yuán to be kindred spirits; to hit it off
yǒu yuán related; brought together by fate
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