
tense, tight, taut; firm, secure


  • tense, tight, taut
  • firm, secure
  • tight
  • strict
  • close at hand
  • near
  • urgent
  • tense
  • hard up
  • short of money
  • to tighten


湊型車 jǐn còu xíng chē compact car model
湊渺子線圈 jǐn còu miǎo zǐ xiàn quān Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)
盯 jǐn dīng to gaze; to stare fixedly
箍咒 jǐn gū zhòu the Band-tightening Spell (in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]); a spell or incantation for controlling sb
絀 jǐn chù supply shortage
jǐn jǐn closely; tightly
縮 jǐn suō (economics) to reduce; to curtail; to cut back; to tighten; austerity; tightening; crunch
繃 jǐn bēng to stretch taut; (of muscles etc) taut; strained; tense
繃繃 jǐn bēng bēng tight; stretched; (face, lips) taut; strained
缺 jǐn quē in short supply; scarce
衣縮食 jǐn yī suō shí see 節衣縮食|节衣缩食[jie2 yi1 suo1 shi2]
裹 jǐn guǒ to wrap tightly; to wind tightly; to bind; close-fitting (clothes)
要 jǐn yào critical; crucial; vital
要關頭 jǐn yào guān tóu urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture
貼 jǐn tiē to stick close to; to press up against
跟 jǐn gēn to follow precisely; to comply with
身 jǐn shēn skintight
迫 jǐn pò pressing; urgent
迫盯人 jǐn pò dīng rén to keep a close eye on sb (idiom)
追 jǐn zhuī to pursue closely
逼 jǐn bī to press hard; to close in on
鄰 jǐn lín to be right next to; close neighbor
閉 jǐn bì to close securely; tightly closed; secure
隨其後 jǐn suí qí hòu to follow closely behind sb or sth (idiom)
集 jǐn jí compact set