
maintain, preserve, safeguard


維 wéi
  • abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]
  • surname Wei
  • to preserve
  • to maintain
  • to hold together
  • dimension
  • vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])


管柱 wéi guǎn zhù vascular column
納斯 wéi nà sī Venus (mythology, Roman goddess of love)
綸 wéi lún vinylon, synthetic fiber made from polyvinyl alcohol (loanword)
繫 wéi xì to maintain; to keep up; to hold together
羅納 wéi luó nà Verona
薩 wéi sà Visa (credit card)
西傈僳族自治縣 wéi xī lì sù zú zì zhì xiàn Weixi Lisu autonomous county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, northwest Yunnan
西縣 wéi xī xiàn Weixi Lisu autonomous county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan
護 wéi hù to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain
護和平 wéi hù hé píng to uphold peace
達 wéi dá Vidar (Norse deity)
xiān wéi fiber; CL:種|种[zhong3]
叢 xiān wéi cóng fiber bundle (math.)
囊泡症 xiān wéi náng pào zhèng cystic fibrosis
狀 xiān wéi zhuàng fibrous
素 xiān wéi sù cellulose
肌痛 xiān wéi jī tòng fibromyalgia
膠 xiān wéi jiāo viscose
蛋白 xiān wéi dàn bái fibrous protein
美屬爾京群島 měi shǔ wéi ěr jīng qún dǎo United States Virgin Islands (USVI)
耶萊娜・揚科奇 yé lái nuó ・ yáng kē wéi qí Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tennis player
聖基茨和尼斯 shèng jī cí hé ní wéi sī Saint Kitts and Nevis
聚酯纖 jù zhǐ xiān wéi polyester fiber
肌原纖 jī yuán xiān wéi myofibril
肌纖 jī xiān wéi muscle fiber