
maintain, preserve, safeguard


維 wéi
  • abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]
  • surname Wei
  • to preserve
  • to maintain
  • to hold together
  • dimension
  • vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])


持生活 wéi chí shēng huó to subsist; to eke out a living; to keep body and soul together
持費 wéi chí fèi maintenance costs
揚 wéi yáng Weiyang district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu; historical name for Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1]
揚區 wéi yáng qū Weiyang district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu
數 wéi shù (math.) dimension; dimensionality
新 wéi xīn (political) reform; revitalization; modernization
新派 wéi xīn pài the reformist faction
新變法 wéi xīn biàn fǎ Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty
族 wéi zú abbr. for 維吾爾族|维吾尔族, Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang
權 wéi quán to defend (legal) rights
權人士 wéi quán rén shì civil rights activist
氏 wéi shì Victorinox (knife manufacturer)
港 wéi gǎng Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong; abbr. for 維多利亞港|维多利亚港[Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 Gang3]
爾容 wéi ěr róng (Johannes Lodewikus) Viljoen (South African ambassador to Taiwan)
爾斯特拉斯 wéi ěr sī tè lā sī Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), German mathematician
爾紐斯 wéi ěr niǔ sī Vilnius, capital of Lithuania
特 wéi tè Werther, opera by Jules Massenet; Werther, German masculine given name
特根斯坦 wéi tè gēn sī tǎn Wittgenstein (name)
珍 wéi zhēn Virgin (company)
生 wéi shēng abbr. for 維持生活|维持生活[wei2 chi2 sheng1 huo2]
生素 wéi shēng sù vitamin
穩 wéi wěn to maintain social stability
管 wéi guǎn vascular
管束 wéi guǎn shù vascular bundle (botany)
管束植物 wéi guǎn shù zhí wù vascular plants; tracheophytes (botany)