
maintain, preserve, safeguard


維 wéi
  • abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]
  • surname Wei
  • to preserve
  • to maintain
  • to hold together
  • dimension
  • vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])


神經纖 shén jīng xiān wéi neurofibril
神經纖瘤 shén jīng xiān wéi liú neurofibroma
克 fú wéi kè Vorwerk (brand)
穆薩 mù sà wéi Moussavi, Mir Hussein (1941-), candidate in Iran's disputed 2009 elections
米格爾・德・塞萬提斯・薩德拉 mǐ gé ěr ・ dé ・ sāi wàn tí sī ・ sà wéi dé lā Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), Spanish novelist, poet and playwright, author of Don Quixote 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Tang2 ji2 he1 de2]
克 yāo wéi kè Gjøvik (city in Oppland, Norway)
納什爾 nà shí wéi ěr Nashville, capital of Tennessee
經營管理和護 jīng yíng guǎn lǐ hé wéi hù Operations Administration and Maintenance; OAM
也納 wéi yě nà Vienna, capital of Austria
京人 wéi jīng rén Viking
他命 wéi tā mìng vitamin (loanword)
修 wéi xiū maintenance (of equipment); to protect and maintain
克多・雨果 wéi kè duō ・ yǔ guǒ Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
克托 wéi kè tuō Victor (name)
吉尼亞 wéi jí ní yà Virginia, US state (Tw)
吉尼亞州 wéi jí ní yà zhōu Virginia, US state (Tw)
吉爾 wéi jí ěr Virgil or Vergilius (70-19 BC), Roman poet and author of the Aeneid 埃涅阿斯紀|埃涅阿斯纪[Ai1 nie4 a1 si1 Ji4]
吾爾 wéi wú ěr Uighur ethnic group of Xinjiang
吾爾人 wéi wú ěr rén Uighur person or people
吾爾族 wéi wú ěr zú Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang
吾爾語 wéi wú ěr yǔ Uighur language
和 wéi hé peacekeeping
基 wéi jī wiki (Internet)
基媒體基金會 wéi jī méi tǐ jī jīn huì Wikimedia Foundation
基數據 wéi jī shù jù Wikistats, (stats.wikimedia.org), online tool providing statistics for Wikimedia projects