
maintain, preserve, safeguard


維 wéi
  • abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]
  • surname Wei
  • to preserve
  • to maintain
  • to hold together
  • dimension
  • vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])


明治新 míng zhì wéi xīn the Japanese Meiji Restoration of 1868
普羅登斯 pǔ luó wéi dēng sī Providence, capital of Rhode Island
lǐ wéi Titus Livius or Livy (59 BC-17 AD), Roman historian
史陀 lǐ wéi shǐ tuó Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009), French social anthropologist
斯 lǐ wéi sī Levi's (brand)
桑嬌塞 sāng jiāo wéi sāi Sangiovese (grape type)
椰殼纖 yē ké xiān wéi coconut fiber; coir
yáng wéi Yang Wei (1979-), PRC badminton player, women's doubles specialist
步履艱 bù lǚ wéi jiān to have difficulty walking (idiom); to walk with difficulty
沙法王朝 shā fǎ wéi wáng cháo Persian Safavid Dynasty 1501-1722
波士尼亞與赫塞哥納 bō shì ní yà yǔ hè sè gē wéi nà Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tw)
波斯尼亞和黑塞哥那 bō sī ní yà hé hēi sài gē wéi nà Bosnia and Herzegovina
波斯尼亞和黑塞哥那共和國 bō sī ní yà hé hēi sài gē wéi nà gòng hé guó Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995), predecessor of Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那|波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那[Bo1 si1 ni2 ya4 he2 Hei1 sai4 ge1 wei2 na4]
度 wú wéi dù dimensionless (math.)
特拉夫 tè lā wéi fū Tel Aviv; Tel Aviv-Jaffa
王國 wáng guó wéi Wang Guowei (1877-1927), noted scholar
wáng wéi Wang Wei (701-761), Tang Dynasty poet
玻利亞 bō lì wéi yà Bolivia
玻璃纖 bō lí xiān wéi fiberglass; glass fiber
琳・戴斯 lín ・ dài wéi sī Lynn E. Davis, US academic and arms control expert, Under-secretary at US State Department 1993-1997
瓦西里耶奇 wǎ xī lǐ yē wéi qí Vasilievich (name)
A酸 yì wéi a suān isotretinoin (used in acne treatment)
百日新 bǎi rì wéi xīn Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty
碳鏈纖 tàn liàn xiān wéi carbon chain fiber
法 shè wéi fǎ (Tw) public order laws; abbr. of 社會秩序維護法|社会秩序维护法