jīng jing

classic works; pass through


經 jīng
  • surname Jing
  • classics
  • sacred book
  • scripture
  • to pass through
  • to undergo
  • to bear
  • to endure
  • warp (textile)
  • longitude
  • menstruation
  • channel (TCM)
  • abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]


周髀算 zhōu bì suàn jīng Zhou Bi Suan Jing, or Chou Pei Suan Ching, one of the oldest Chinese texts on astronomy and mathematics
商品濟 shāng pǐn jīng jì commodity economy
四十二章 sì shí èr zhāng jīng The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha, the first Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 by Kasyapa-Matanga 迦葉摩騰 and Gobharana 竺法蘭 (Dharmaraksha)
國家濟貿易委員會 guó jiā jīng jì mào yì wěi yuán huì State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC)
國民濟 guó mín jīng jì national economy
地區濟 dì qū jīng jì local economy; regional economy
坐骨神 zuò gǔ shén jīng sciatic nerve
坐骨神痛 zuò gǔ shén jīng tòng sciatica
基底神節孫損傷 jī dǐ shén jīng jié sūn sǔn shāng basal ganglia lesions
塔木德 tǎ mù dé jīng Talmud
大方廣佛華嚴 dà fāng guǎng fó huá yán jīng Avatamsaka sutra of the Huayan school; also called Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya Sutra, the Flower adornment sutra or the Garland sutra
大本涅槃 dà běn niè pán jīng the great Nirvana sutra: every living thing has Buddha nature.
大肚子濟 dà dù zi jīng jì "Pregnancy-oriented Economy", new market conditions brought about by a predicted baby boom in China
大般涅槃 dà bān niè pán jīng Nirvana sutra
大藏 dà zàng jīng Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea
地義 tiān jīng dì yì lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper; right and unalterable; a matter of course
太陽神叢 tài yáng shén jīng cóng solar plexus chakra
濟 tā jīng jì "she-economy" reflecting women's economic contribution; euphemism for prostitution-based economy
妙法蓮華 miào fǎ lián huá jīng The Lotus Sutra
xiào jīng Xiaojing (Classic of Filial Piety)
jì jīng menstruation; regular periods
zhái jīng The Yellow Emperor's Classic on the Feng Shui of Dwellings
宏觀濟 hóng guān jīng jì macroeconomic
家家有本難念的 jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng Every family goes through its problems. (idiom)
專屬濟區 zhuān shǔ jīng jì qū exclusive economic zone