jīng jing

classic works; pass through


經 jīng
  • surname Jing
  • classics
  • sacred book
  • scripture
  • to pass through
  • to undergo
  • to bear
  • to endure
  • warp (textile)
  • longitude
  • menstruation
  • channel (TCM)
  • abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]


fó jīng Buddhist texts; scripture
信報財新聞 xìn bào cái jīng xīn wén Hong Kong Economic Journal
xìn jīng Credo (section of Catholic mass)
個體濟學 gè tǐ jīng jì xué microeconomics
假正 jiǎ zhèng jīng demure; prudish; hypocritical
tíng jīng to stop menstruating (as a result of pregnancy, menopause or medical condition etc)
wěi jīng forged scriptures; bogus classic; pseudepigrapha; apocrypha
傳入神 chuán rù shén jīng afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain); afferent neuron
傳出神 chuán chū shén jīng efferent nerve (transmitting out from the brain); efferent neuron; motor nerve
chuán jīng to pass on scripture; to teach Confucian doctrine; to pass on one's experience
nèi jīng abbr. for 黃帝內經|黄帝内经[Huang2 di4 Nei4 jing1], The Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC
八萬大藏 bā wàn dà zàng jīng Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea
公營濟 gōng yíng jīng jì public sector of economy; state run enterprises
liù jīng Six Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], Book of Rites 儀禮|仪礼[Yi2 li3], the lost Book of Music 樂經|乐经[Yue4 jing1], Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]
理 fù jīng lǐ deputy director; assistant manager
匯業財集團 huì yè cái jīng jí tuán Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau)
十三 shí sān jīng the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], Rites of Zhou 周禮|周礼[Zhou1 li3], Rites and Ceremonies 儀禮|仪礼[Yi2 li3], Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], Mr Zuo's Annals 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4], Mr Gongyang's Annals 公羊傳|公羊传[Gong1 yang2 Zhuan4], Mr Guliang's Annals 穀梁傳|谷梁传[Gu3 liang2 Zhuan4], The Analects 論語|论语[Lun2 yu3], Erya 爾雅|尔雅[Er3 ya3], Classic of Filial Piety 孝經|孝经[Xiao4 jing1], Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3]
十二 shí èr jīng twelve channels of TCM
十二脈 shí èr jīng mài twelve channels of TCM
萬卷 qiān jīng wàn juǎn lit. a thousand sutras, ten thousand scrolls; fig. the vast Buddhist canon
qǔ jīng to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures; to learn by studying another's experience
古蘭 gǔ lán jīng Koran (Islamic scripture); Quran
可蘭 kě lán jīng Quran (Islamic scripture)
名不見傳 míng bù jiàn jīng zhuàn (lit.) name not encountered in the classics; unknown (person); nobody
吳嘉 wú jiā jīng Wu Jiajing (1618-1684), early Qing dynasty poet