jīng jing

classic works; pass through


經 jīng
  • surname Jing
  • classics
  • sacred book
  • scripture
  • to pass through
  • to undergo
  • to bear
  • to endure
  • warp (textile)
  • longitude
  • menstruation
  • channel (TCM)
  • abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]


一本正 yī běn zhèng jīng in deadly earnest; deadpan
三公費 sān gōng jīng fèi "three public expenditures" of the PRC government, i.e. air travel, food and entertainment, and public vehicles
三叉神 sān chā shén jīng trigeminal nerve
三字 sān zì jīng Three Character Classic, 13th century reading primer consisting of Confucian tenets in lines of 3 characters; (slang) swearword; four-letter word
上海財大學 shàng hǎi cái jīng dà xué Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE)
一事 bù jīng yī shì You can't gain knowledge without practical experience (idiom); wisdom only comes with experience
一事,不長一智 bù jīng yī shì , bù zhǎng yī zhì You can't gain knowledge without practical experience (idiom); wisdom only comes with experience
之談 bù jīng zhī tán absurd statement; cock-and-bull story
意 bù jīng yì not paying attention; carelessly; by accident
意間 bù jīng yì jiān without paying attention; without noticing; unconsciously; inadvertently
不見傳 bù jiàn jīng zhuàn not found in the classics (idiom); unknown; unfounded; not authoritative
世界濟 shì jiè jīng jì global economy; world economy
世界濟論壇 shì jiè jīng jì lùn tán World Economic Forum
中國營報 zhōng guó jīng yíng bào China Business (a Beijing newspaper)
中央財大學 zhōng yāng cái jīng dà xué Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing
中樞神系統 zhōng shū shén jīng xì tǒng central nervous system, CNS
中間神元 zhōng jiān shén jīng yuán interneuron
考驗 jiǔ jīng kǎo yàn well tested (idiom); seasoned; veteran
wǔ jīng the Five Classics of Confucianism, namely: the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1], the Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], and the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]
亞太合會 yà tài jīng hé huì APEC (Asia Pacific economic cooperation)
亞太合組織 yà tài jīng hé zǔ zhī APEC (organization)
亞太濟合作組織 yà tài jīng jì hé zuò zǔ zhī Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization; APEC
交感神 jiāo gǎn shén jīng sympathetic nervous system
今文 jīn wén jīng Former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars
今文學 jīn wén jīng xué Former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars
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