
cut, sever, break off, terminate


  • cut, sever, break off, terminate
  • to cut short
  • extinct
  • to disappear
  • to vanish
  • absolutely
  • by no means
  • variant of 絕|绝[jue2]


荒謬倫 huāng miù jué lún absolutely ridiculous (idiom); preposterous; the height of folly
誅盡殺 zhū jìn shā jué to wipe out; to exterminate
shì jué to abjure; to swear to quit
xiè jué to refuse politely
參觀 xiè jué cān guān closed to visitors; no admittance
讚不口 zàn bù jué kǒu to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven
贊不口 zàn bù jué kǒu to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven
chāo jué surpassing; excelling; preeminent; unique
超群倫 chāo qún jué lún outstanding (idiom); incomparable
趕盡殺 gǎn jìn shā jué to kill to the last one (idiom); to exterminate; to eradicate; ruthless
違時俗 wéi shí jué sú to defy the times and reject custom (idiom); in breach of current conventions
避世俗 bì shì jué sú to withdraw from society and live like a hermit (idiom)
zǔ jué to block; to obstruct; to clog
gé jué isolated (from the world); disconnected
韋編三 wéi biān sān jué lit. the leather binding (of the bamboo scroll) has broken three times; fig. to study diligently
風華代 fēng huá jué dài magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent
香火不 xiāng huǒ bù jué an unending stream of pilgrims