
cut, sever, break off, terminate


  • cut, sever, break off, terminate
  • to cut short
  • extinct
  • to disappear
  • to vanish
  • absolutely
  • by no means
  • variant of 絕|绝[jue2]


jù jué to refuse; to decline; to reject
捧腹倒 pěng fù jué dǎo doubled up with laughter
斷港潢 duàn gǎng jué huáng to be unable to continue; to come to a dead end (idiom)
duàn jué to sever; to break off
dù jué to put an end to
gēn jué to eradicate
qì jué to abandon; to forsake
yù jué heartbroken; inconsolable
sǐ jué to die out; to be exterminated; to become extinct
shā jué to exterminate
qì jué to take one's last breath; dying
jué jué to sever all relations with sb; determined; decisive
深惡痛 shēn wù tòng jué to detest bitterly (idiom); implacable hatred; to abhor; anathema
miè jué to extinguish; to become extinct; to die out
人性 miè jué rén xìng to be devoid of all humanity; inhuman; bestial
種族 miè jué zhǒng zú genocide
滔滔不 tāo tāo bù jué unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen
生物大滅 shēng wù dà miè jué great extinction of species
jìn jué to totally prohibit; to put an end to
種族滅 zhǒng zú miè jué genocide
空前後 kōng qián jué hòu unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique
不 jué bù in no way; not in the least; absolutely not
世 jué shì unique; exceptional
世佳人 jué shì jiā rén a woman of unmatched beauty (idiom)
了 jué le (slang) awesome; dope