
knot, tie; join, connect


結 jié
  • knot
  • sturdy
  • bond
  • to tie
  • to bind
  • to check out (of a hotel)
結 jiē
  • (of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds)
  • Taiwan pr. [jie2]


民族團 mín zú tuán jié national unity
huó jié a slip-knot; a noose
淋巴 lín bā jié lymphatic node; lymph gland
準穩旋渦構 zhǔn wěn xuán wō jié gòu quasi-stationary spiral structure QSSS (astrophysics)
網 wú jié wǎng knotless netting (textiles)
shāo jié to sinter; to agglomerate ore by burning
物理構 wù lǐ jié gòu physical composition
環形構 huán xíng jié gòu ring configuration
qióng jié Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
縣 qióng jié xiàn Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
產品構 chǎn pǐn jié gòu product mix
zhēng jié hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine); crux of an issue; main point in an argument; sticking point; deadlock in negotiations
百般巴 bǎi bān bā jié to flatter someone in a hundred different ways; assiduous fawning (idiom)
瞠目舌 chēng mù jié shé stupefied; flabbergasted
mì jié constipation
qióng jié variant of 瓊結|琼结[Qiong2 jie2], Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
縣 qióng jié xiàn variant of 瓊結縣|琼结县[Qiong2 jie2 xian4], Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
jiū jié to intertwine; to band together (with); to link up (with); twisted; tangled; confused; to be at a loss
zhōng jié end; conclusion; to come to an end; to terminate (sth)
了 jié le that's that; that's it; that will do
交 jié jiāo to make friends with
仇 jié chóu to start a feud; to become enemies
伙 jié huǒ to form a gang
伴 jié bàn to go with sb; to form companionships
伴而行 jié bàn ér xíng to stay together (of a group); to keep together