
knot, tie; join, connect


結 jié
  • knot
  • sturdy
  • bond
  • to tie
  • to bind
  • to check out (of a hotel)
結 jiē
  • (of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds)
  • Taiwan pr. [jie2]


hóu jié Adam's apple; laryngeal prominence
連理 xǐ jié lián lǐ to tie the knot (idiom); to get married
圍護構 wéi hù jié gòu building envelope
tuán jié to unite; unity; solidarity; united
就是力量 tuán jié jiù shì lì liang unity is strength (revolutionary slogan and popular song of 1943)
工會 tuán jié gōng huì Solidarity (Polish worker's union)
土洋合 tǔ yáng jié hé combining native and foreign methods (idiom); sophisticated and many-sided
基礎構 jī chǔ jié gòu infrastructure
多重局 duō chóng jié jú alternate ending; multiple endings
大便祕 dà biàn mì jié constipation
tào jié a noose
wán jié to finish; to conclude; completed
dìng jié Dinggyê county, Tibetan: Gding skyes rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
縣 dìng jié xiàn Dinggyê county, Tibetan: Gding skyes rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet
客戶服務器構 kè hù fú wù qì jié gòu client server architecture
shěn jié to adjudicate; to finish a trial; to try and pass verdict
xiǎo jié summary; short; brief; wrap-up
局部連網絡 jú bù lián jié wǎng luò local connectionist network
巴巴 bā bā jiē jiē to manage with difficulty; only just getting by; in a difficult position
bā jie to fawn on; to curry favor with; to make up to
良緣 guǎng jié liáng yuán to earn people's praise through one's good deeds (idiom)
張口舌 zhāng kǒu jié shé agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for words; gaping and speechless
張燈彩 zhāng dēng jié cǎi to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)
xīn jié a matter that gnaws at one's mind; preoccupation; sore point; rancor
必然果 bì rán jié guǒ inevitable outcome; inescapable consequence