class; section, department


組 zǔ
  • surname Zu
  • to form
  • to organize
  • group
  • team
  • classifier for sets, series, groups of people, batteries


核查小 hé chá xiǎo zǔ inspection team
標準織 biāo zhǔn zǔ zhī standards organization; standards body
mó zǔ (hardware or software) module (computing)
橘皮織 jú pí zǔ zhī cellulite
jī zǔ flight crew (on a plane); unit (apparatus)
歐安織 ōu ān zǔ zhī Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), abbr. for 歐洲安全與合作組織|欧洲安全与合作组织[Ou1 zhou1 An1 quan2 yu3 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1]
歐洲刑警織 ōu zhōu xíng jǐng zǔ zhī Europol (European Police Office)
歐洲安全和合作織 ōu zhōu ān quán hé hé zuò zǔ zhī Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
歐洲安全與合作織 ōu zhōu ān quán yǔ hé zuò zǔ zhī Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
民間織 mín jiān zǔ zhī association; organization; humanitarian organization; NGO
泰米爾伊拉姆猛虎解放織 tài mǐ ěr yī lā mǔ měng hǔ jiě fàng zǔ zhī Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
泰米爾猛虎織 tài mǐ ěr měng hǔ zǔ zhī Tamil Tigers
織檢查 huó zǔ zhī jiǎn chá biopsy
活體織檢查 huó tǐ zǔ zhī jiǎn chá biopsy; abbr. to 活檢|活检[huo2 jian3]
燃料合 rán liào zǔ hé fuel fabrication
特偵 tè zhēn zǔ special investigation team (Tw)
bān zǔ group or team (in factories etc)
目無織 mù wú zǔ zhī to pay no heed to the regulations
督察小 dū chá xiǎo zǔ supervisory group
石油輸出國織 shí yóu shū chū guó zǔ zhī Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
研究小 yán jiū xiǎo zǔ research group
科研小 kē yán xiǎo zǔ a scientific research group
米粒織 mǐ lì zǔ zhī granulation
件 zǔ jiàn module; unit; component; assembly
分 zǔ fèn components; individual parts making up a compound