fine, tiny; slender, thin


細 xì
  • thin or slender
  • finely particulate
  • thin and soft
  • fine
  • delicate
  • trifling
  • (of a sound) quiet
  • frugal


鐮狀胞血症 lián zhuàng xì bāo xuè zhèng sickle cell anemia
間充質幹胞 jiān chōng zhì gàn xì bāo mesenchymal stem cell MSC (in cell biology)
類鼻疽單胞 lèi bí jū dān xì bāo Pseudomonas pseudomallei
食不厭精,膾不厭 shí bù yàn jīng , kuài bù yàn xì lit. to eat but finely ground grain and finely chopped meat (idiom, from Analects); fig. to be fastidious about one's food
胞 tǐ xì bāo somatic cell
鱗狀胞癌 lín zhuàng xì bāo ái squamous cell carcinoma