fine, tiny; slender, thin


細 xì
  • thin or slender
  • finely particulate
  • thin and soft
  • fine
  • delicate
  • trifling
  • (of a sound) quiet
  • frugal


菌群 xì jūn qún bacterial community (e.g. in the gut)
葉脈 xì yè mài veinlet in a leaf
語 xì yǔ to chat with a low voice
說 xì shuō to tell in detail
調 xì diào to fine tune
軟 xì ruǎn fine and soft; valuables
辛 xì xīn Manchurian wild ginger (family Asarum)
部 xì bù small part (of a whole ensemble); detail
長 xì cháng slender
雨 xì yǔ fine rain; drizzle; poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin 李商隱|李商隐
頸瓶 xì jǐng píng jug
顆粒物 xì kē lì wù fine particle (PM 2.5); fine particulate matter (air pollution etc)
香蔥 xì xiāng cōng chive
鹽 xì yán refined salt; table salt
xiān xì fine; slim; tender
胞 nǎo xì bāo brain cell
菌 lán xì jūn Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
胞 xuè xì bāo blood cell
許旺胞 xǔ wàng xì bāo Schwann cell (support axon of nerve cell); neurolemmocyte
xiáng xì detailed; in detail; minute
輕聲語 qīng shēng xì yǔ to speak softly; to whisper (idiom)
輕言語 qīng yán xì yǔ to speak softly
造血幹胞 zào xuè gàn xì bāo blood generating stem cells (in bone marrow)
guò xì extremely careful; meticulous; overattentive
鐮刀胞貧血 lián dāo xì bāo pín xuè sickle cell anemia