fine, tiny; slender, thin


細 xì
  • thin or slender
  • finely particulate
  • thin and soft
  • fine
  • delicate
  • trifling
  • (of a sound) quiet
  • frugal


中亞亞 zhōng yà xì yà Central Asia
中性粒胞 zhōng xìng lì xì bāo neutrophil (the most common type of white blood cell)
事無巨 shì wú jù xì lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom); fig. to deal with any matter, regardless of its importance
亞 yà xì yà Asia
亞洲 yà xì yà zhōu Asia; abbr. to 亞洲|亚洲[Ya4 zhou1]
安 yà xì ān ASEAN
zǐ xì careful; attentive; cautious
低聲語 dī shēng xì yǔ in a whisper; in a low voice (idiom)
bèi xì details; particulars
傾耳聽 qīng ěr xì tīng to prick up one's ear and listen carefully
胞團 nèi xì bāo tuán inner cell mass (ICM)
卵母胞 luǎn mǔ xì bāo egg cell
原核胞 yuán hé xì bāo prokaryote; prokaryotic cell
原核胞型微生物 yuán hé xì bāo xíng wēi shēng wù prokaryotic cell type microorganism
吞噬胞 tūn shì xì bāo phagocyte (cell that ingests and destroys foreign matter)
呢喃語 ní nán xì yǔ whispering in a low voice (idiom); murmuring
單核胞 dān hé xì bāo monocyte; mononuclear cell
單核胞增多症 dān hé xì bāo zēng duō zhèng mononucleosis
胞 dān xì bāo single-celled (organism); unicellular
胞生物 dān xì bāo shēng wù single-celled organism
嗜酸性粒胞 shì suān xìng lì xì bāo eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
嗜鹼性粒胞 shì jiǎn xìng lì xì bāo basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)
基底胞癌 jī dǐ xì bāo ái basal cell carcinoma
多形核白胞 duō xíng hé bái xì bāo polymorphonuclear leukocyte
胞 duō xì bāo multicellular
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