fine, tiny; slender, thin


細 xì
  • thin or slender
  • finely particulate
  • thin and soft
  • fine
  • delicate
  • trifling
  • (of a sound) quiet
  • frugal


胞生物 duō xì bāo shēng wù multicellular life form
大吞噬胞 dà tūn shì xì bāo macrophage
jiān xi a spy; a crafty person
zǐ xì variant of 仔細|仔细[zi3 xi4]
胞 zǐ xì bāo daughter cell
小亞亞 xiǎo yà xì yà Asia minor; Anatolia
小吞噬胞 xiǎo tūn shì xì bāo microphage (a type of white blood cell)
jiān xì taper
巨噬胞 jù shì xì bāo macrophage
jù xì big and small
胞病毒 jù xì bāo bìng dú cytomegalovirus (CMV)
胞病毒視網膜炎 jù xì bāo bìng dú shì wǎng mó yán cytomegalovirus retinitis, a disease of the retina that can lead to blindness; CMV retinitis
胞 gàn xì bāo stem cell
dǐ xì inside information; the ins and outs of the matter; how things stand; what's up
wēi xì microminiature (technology)
加工 wēi xì jiā gōng microminiature technology
xīn xì careful; scrupulous
胞 xìng xì bāo sexual cell; germline cell; gamete
慢工出貨 màn gōng chū xì huò patient work makes a fine product
拿粗 xié xì ná cū to provoke
míng xì clear and detailed; definite; details (are as follows:)
表 míng xì biǎo schedule; subsidiary ledger; a detailed list
小 jí xì xiǎo extremely small; infinitesimal
樹狀胞 shù zhuàng xì bāo dendritic cell
樹突狀胞 shù tū zhuàng xì bāo dendritic cell