admit, take, receive, accept


  • admit, take, receive, accept
  • surname Na
  • to receive
  • to accept
  • to enjoy
  • to bring into
  • to pay (tax etc)
  • nano- (one billionth)
  • to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing


姆巴巴 mǔ bā bā nà Mbabane, capital of Swaziland
威廉・福克 wēi lián ・ fú kè nà William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist and poet
托利亞 ān nà tuō lì yà Anatolia, Asia minor
波利斯 ān nà bō lì sī Annapolis (place name)
完全歸推理 wán quán guī nà tuī lǐ inference by complete induction
róng nà to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions)
富提 fù nà fù tí Funafuti, capital of Tuvalu
chá nà to investigate and accept
巴塞隆 bā sài lóng nà Barcelona (Tw)
巴特 bā tè nà Batna, town in eastern Algeria
布吉法索 bù jí nà fǎ suǒ Burkina Faso (Tw)
布基法索 bù jī nà fǎ suǒ Burkina Faso
kù nà kuna (Croatian currency)
恩賈梅 ēn jiǎ méi nà N'Djamena, capital of Chad
yuè nà to find acceptable
愛留根 ài liú gēn nà Eriugena, John Scottus (c. 810-880) Irish poet, theologian, and philosopher of Neoplatonism
jiá nà Cannes (France)
托馬斯・阿奎 tuō mǎ sī ・ ā kuí nà Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian Catholic priest in the Dominican Order, philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition
拉文 lā wén nà Ravenna on the Adriatic coast of Italy
卡 lā nà kǎ Larnaca (city in Cyprus); Larnaka
招賢士 zhāo xián nà shì invite the talented and call the valorous (idiom); to recruit talent
招降叛 zhāo xiáng nà pàn to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters (idiom); to gather together a gang of villains
àn nà variant of 按捺[an4 na4]
cǎi nà to accept; to adopt
jiē nà to admit (to membership)