
treaty, agreement, covenant


約 yuē
  • to make an appointment
  • to invite
  • approximately
  • pact
  • treaty
  • to economize
  • to restrict
  • to reduce (a fraction)
  • concise
約 yāo
  • to weigh in a balance or on a scale


肌 kuò yuē jī sphincter
收購要 shōu gòu yāo yuē takeover bid
改訂伊犁條 gǎi dìng yī lí tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
教義和聖 jiào yì hé shèng yuē Doctrine and Covenants
wén yuē contract; written agreement
斯密瑟 sī mì yuē sè Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), founder of the Latter Day Saint movement
xīn yuē New Testament
全書 xīn yuē quán shū New Testament
施洗翰 shī xǐ yuē hàn John the Baptist
施洗者翰 shī xǐ zhě yuē hàn John the Baptist
旅大租地條 lǚ dà zū dì tiáo yuē unequal treaty of 1898 whereby the Qing dynasty ceded the lease of Lüshun (Port Arthur) to Russia
日光節時 rì guāng jié yuē shí daylight saving time
shū yuē book contract
最大公數 zuì dà gōng yuē shù highest common factor HCF; greatest common divisor GCD
在先 yǒu yuē zài xiān to have a prior engagement
期貨合 qī huò hé yuē futures contract (finance)
瑟 lǐ yuē sè Joseph Needham (1900-1995), British biochemist and author of Science and Civilization in China
桑帕 sāng pà yuē Sampaio (name); Jorge Sampaio (1939-), Portuguese lawyer and politician, president of Portugal 1996-2006; Sampaio, town in Brazil
tiáo yuē treaty; pact; CL:個|个[ge4]
背盟 qì yuē bèi méng to abrogate an agreement; to break one's oath (idiom)
翰 bàng yuē hàn Papa John's (pizza chain)
huǐ yuē to break a promise; breach of contract
shěn yuē Shen Yue (441-513), writer and historian during Liang of Southern dynasties 南朝梁, compiler of History of Song of the Southern dynasties 宋書|宋书
法律束力 fǎ lǜ yuē shù lì legal force (i.e. binding in law)
消除對婦女一切形式歧視公 xiāo chú duì fù nǚ yī qiè xíng shì qí shì gōng yuē Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women