
treaty, agreement, covenant


約 yuē
  • to make an appointment
  • to invite
  • approximately
  • pact
  • treaty
  • to economize
  • to restrict
  • to reduce (a fraction)
  • concise
約 yāo
  • to weigh in a balance or on a scale


不可通 bù kě tōng yuē having no common measure; incommensurable; incommensurate
不平等條 bù píng děng tiáo yuē unequal treaty
不擴散核武器條 bù kuò sàn hé wǔ qì tiáo yuē Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
而同 bù yuē ér tóng to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
中俄伊犁條 zhōng é yī lí tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
中俄北京條 zhōng é běi jīng tiáo yuē the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 between Qing China and Tsarist Russia
中俄尼布楚條 zhōng é ní bù chǔ tiáo yuē Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia
中俄改訂條 zhōng é gǎi dìng tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
中法新 zhōng fǎ xīn yuē treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Vietnam to France
信貸違掉期 xìn dài wéi yuē diào qī credit default swap (finance)
jiǎn yuē sparing; economical
兒童權利公 ér tóng quán lì gōng yuē Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
全面禁止核試驗條 quán miàn jìn zhǐ hé shì yàn tiáo yuē Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
公民權利和政治權利國際公 gōng mín quán lì hé zhèng zhì quán lì guó jì gōng yuē International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
gōng yuē convention (i.e. international agreement)
數 gōng yuē shù common factor; common divisor
zhì yuē to restrict; condition
勤儉節 qín jiǎn jié yuē diligent and thrifty (idiom)
北大西洋公組織 běi dà xī yáng gōng yuē zǔ zhī North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO
běi yuē NATO; abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1], North Atlantic Treaty Organization
xié yuē entente; pact; agreement; negotiated settlement
國 xié yuē guó Allies; entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW1)
南京條 nán jīng tiáo yuē Treaty of Nanjing (1842) that concluded the First Opium War between Qing China and Britain
博文禮 bó wén yuē lǐ vigorously pursuing knowledge, while scrupulously abiding by the rules of decorum (idiom)
厲行節 lì xíng jié yuē to practice strict economy (idiom)
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