
system; line, link, connection

HSK 1 #216


系 xì
  • to connect
  • to relate to
  • to tie up
  • to bind
  • to be (literary)
  • system
  • department
  • faculty
  • to arrest
  • to worry
系 jì
  • to tie
  • to fasten
  • to button up


系 stroke order diagram
系 stroke order animation


生态 shēng tài xì ecosystem
生態 shēng tài xì ecosystem
生态统 shēng tài xì tǒng ecosystem
生態統 shēng tài xì tǒng ecosystem
生殖统 shēng zhí xì tǒng reproductive system
生殖統 shēng zhí xì tǒng reproductive system
生产关 shēng chǎn guān xì relations between levels of production; socio-economic relations
男女关 nán nǚ guān xì man-woman connection; intimate relationship
发生关 fā shēng guān xi to have sexual relations with sb; to have dealings with
战败 wǎn xì zhàn bài Anhui faction of Northern Warlords (1912-c. 1920), led by Duan Qirui 段祺瑞 with Japanese support
戰敗 wǎn xì zhàn bài Anhui faction of Northern Warlords (1912-c. 1920), led by Duan Qirui 段祺瑞 with Japanese support
军阀 wǎn xì jūn fá Anhui faction of Northern Warlords 1911-c.1929
軍閥 wǎn xì jūn fá Anhui faction of Northern Warlords 1911-c.1929
军阀 zhí xì jūn fá the Zhili faction of the Northern Warlords
祖先 zhí xì zǔ xiān direct ancestor
血亲 zhí xì xuè qìng direct descendant; blood relative
血親 zhí xì xuè qìng direct descendant; blood relative
親屬 zhí xì qīn shǔ next of kin; immediate dependant
相互关 xiāng hù guān xì mutual relations; common interest
石炭 shí tàn xì carboniferous system; coal measure (geology)
zǔ xì ancestry; lineage; pedigree; also written 祖係|祖系
神經統 shén jīng xì tǒng nervous system
kē xì department
科迪勒拉山 kē dí lè lā shān xì Cordillera, series of mountain ranges stretching from Patagonia in South America through to Alaska and Aleutian islands
zhǒng xì evolutionary line; line of descent