
system; line, link, connection

HSK 1 #216


系 xì
  • to connect
  • to relate to
  • to tie up
  • to bind
  • to be (literary)
  • system
  • department
  • faculty
  • to arrest
  • to worry
系 jì
  • to tie
  • to fasten
  • to button up


系 stroke order diagram
系 stroke order animation


思想体 sī xiǎng tǐ xì system of thought; ideology
思想體 sī xiǎng tǐ xì system of thought; ideology
恒星 héng xīng xì stellar system; galaxy
恆星 héng xīng xì stellar system; galaxy
惯性 guàn xìng xì inertial system; inertial frame (mechanics)
慣性 guàn xìng xì inertial system; inertial frame (mechanics)
拉关 lā guān xì to seek contact with sb for one's own benefit; to suck up to sb
排泄统 pái xiè xì tǒng drainage system; excretory system
排洩統 pái xiè xì tǒng drainage system; excretory system
操作統 cāo zuò xì tǒng operating system
统 zhī xì tǒng subsystem
統 zhī xì tǒng subsystem
改善关 gǎi shàn guān xi to improve relations
政治关 zhèng zhì guān xì political relations
páng xì collateral relative (descended from a common ancestor but through different lines)
旋涡星 xuán wō xīng xì spiral galaxy
旋渦星 xuán wō xīng xì spiral galaxy
rì xì Japanese section (of school); Japanese-related (business)
盘 xīng xì pán galactic disc
盤 xīng xì pán galactic disc
jīng xì crystal system
统 yǒu xì tǒng systematic
統 yǒu xì tǒng systematic
有联 yǒu lián xì to be connected; to be related
军阀 guì xì jūn fá Guangxi warlord faction, from 1911-1930