
simple, terse, succinct; letter


  • simple, terse, succinct
  • letter
  • simple
  • uncomplicated
  • letter
  • to choose
  • to select
  • bamboo strips used for writing (old)


單 bù jiǎn dān not simple; rather complicated; remarkable; marvelous
èr jiǎn abbr. for 第二次漢字簡化方案|第二次汉字简化方案[Di4 er4 ci4 Han4 zi4 Jian3 hua4 Fang1 an4]
壓縮 shān jiǎn yā suō to simplify and condense (a text); abridged
因陋就 yīn lòu jiù jiǎn crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can; to do things simply and thriftily; It's not pretty but it works.
時間史 shí jiān jiǎn shǐ "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking
shū jiǎn (literary) letter
主義 jí jiǎn zhǔ yì minimalism
hàn jiǎn bamboo slip used for record keeping during the Han Dynasty
生平介 shēng píng jiǎn jiè biographic sketch
bái jiǎn Wrigley's Spearmint (brand)
白行 bái xíng jiǎn Bai Xingjian (c. 776-826), younger brother of Bai Juyi 白居易[Bai2 Ju1 yi4], Tang novelist and poet, author of novel Tale of Courtesan Li Wa 李娃傳|李娃传[Li3 Wa2 Zhuan4]
duǎn jiǎn brief
zhú jiǎn bamboo writing slips in ancient times (joined together to form whole scrolls)
第二次漢字化方案 dì èr cì hàn zì jiǎn huà fāng àn Second Chinese Character Simplification Scheme (second round of simplified Chinese characters, proposed in 1977 and retracted in 1986); abbr. to 二簡|二简[er4 jian3]
・愛 jiǎn ・ ài Jane Eyre, novel by Charlotte Brontë 夏洛特·勃良特[Xia4 luo4 te4 · Bo2 liang2 te4]
介 jiǎn jiè summary; brief introduction
便 jiǎn biàn simple and convenient; handy
冊 jiǎn cè booklet; brochure; (old) book (made of bamboo strips tied together)
則 jiǎn zé general rule; simple principle
化 jiǎn huà to simplify
化字 jiǎn huà zì simplified Chinese character
史 jiǎn shǐ a brief history
單 jiǎn dān simple; not complicated
單化 jiǎn dān huà simplification; to simplify
單地說 jiǎn dān de shuō to put it simply; simply put
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