HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 716th character |
RADICAL | ⽵ (118.7) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2954 |
simple, terse, succinct, a letter
- simple, terse, succinct, a letter
- simple
- uncomplicated
- letter
- to choose
- to select
- bamboo strips used for writing (old)

简单 jiǎn dān | simple; not complicated |
简直 jiǎn zhí | simply; at all; practically |
简历 jiǎn lì | curriculum vitae (CV); résumé; biographical notes |
简化 jiǎn huà | to simplify |
简陋 jiǎn lòu | simple and crude |
简要 jiǎn yào | concise; brief |
精简 jīng jiǎn | to simplify; to reduce |
简体字 jiǎn tǐ zì | simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字[fan2 ti3 zi4] |
简短 jiǎn duǎn | brief (statement, summary etc); briefly; brevity |
简报 jiǎn bào | presentation; briefing; (oral or written) brief report |
简称 jiǎn chēng | to be abbreviated to; abbreviation; short form |
简洁 jiǎn jié | concise; succinct; pithy |
简易 jiǎn yì | simple and easy; simplistic; simplicity |
简而言之 jiǎn ér yán zhī | in a nutshell; to put it briefly |
简介 jiǎn jiè | summary; brief introduction |
简单化 jiǎn dān huà | simplification; to simplify |
简约 jiǎn yuē | sketchy; concise; abbreviated |
简讯 jiǎn xùn | newsletter; the news in brief; (Tw) SMS message |
简朴 jiǎn pǔ | simple and unadorned; plain |
简写 jiǎn xiě | to write characters in simplified form; the simplified form of a character; to abbreviate (a word or expression); to write in simple language |
简略 jiǎn lüè | simple; brief |
简言之 jiǎn yán zhī | in simple terms; to put things simply; briefly |
简便 jiǎn biàn | simple and convenient; handy |
简明扼要 jiǎn míng è yào | brief and to the point (idiom); succinct |
言简意赅 yán jiǎn yì gāi | concise and comprehensive (idiom) |